Using the Motorola BitSURFR PRO ISDN MODEM & Axxon Serial Ports under Windows 95
To set your BitSurfr PRO up manually with the Softport+ / Dualport+ I/O Card, please follow these directions:
- Requirements:
- Motorola BitSURFR PRO
- Rev G or higher of firmware release (to determine your firmware release date, type ATI3 in command mode. You should receive a number back that looks something like 4574166-1G C34A PASS. The software revision would be the part directly after the -. So, in this example, it would be firmware revision G. If your modem reports anything earlier than G, then your Motorola Bitsurfr PRO is not able to handle speeds of 230,400 bps. If the revision is prior to the G revision, you will need to upgrade the revision of your Motorola BitSurfr PRO software. The update can be obtained from:
- Windows95
- Axxon Softport+ /Dualport+ 16650 / 16750 I/O card(s)
- Start up HyperTerminal, or any other terminal communications program.
- Configure a session to use the BSPro at 115200 bps.
- If you are using HyperTerminal, you will need to enter a dummy phone number and select "Motorola BitSurfr PRO" under "Connect using:". If you are using another communications program, this may not be necessary.
- Click on cancel when Hyper Terminal asks to dial the phone number.
- Type ATZ hit [Enter]
- You should see a response OK.
- Type AT@P2=230400 and press [Enter].
- You should see a response OK.
- Now the BSPro is configured to talk at 230,400 bps until the modem is reset.
- Since you are communicating with the modem at 115,200 bps instead 230,400 bps which it is now set for, it will stop working.
- In HyperTerminal, click on "File", and then select "Properties". Next, click on the "Configure..." tab. Click on the "Maximum Speed" selection, and change it from 115200 to 230400. Next, click on the "OK" tabs until you return to the terminal screen where you can type AT commands.
- Doing the next step saves the disabled auto-bauding. If for some reason you ever need to re-enable auto-bauding, simply type AT@P2=115200 in HyperTerminal or another communications program. This will set your modem to 115,200 bps, and will re-enable the auto-bauding. Once you do this, the modem will stop responding since you are setup for 230,400 bps instead of 115,200 bps.
- Type AT&W0, or AT&W1 and a return to save the configuration to the BitSurfr PRO. (Users should generally use the AT&W0 option instead of AT&W1. When you use AT&W0, the changes you made above will be enabled every time you do an ATZ. This is generally what you want. If you use the AT&W1 command, the above configuration will go into effect every time you enter ATZ1.
- Exit HyperTerminal.
- Make sure your Dial-Up Networking is set for 230K.
- Connect to an ISDN connection (Such as the Internet).
- Notes:
- The performance increase created by this patch does not increase the ISDN rate to 230K.
- It increases the DTE (the transmission from the BSPro to your PC) speed to 230K. This is an increase from 115K.
- At 115K, your ISDN can be communicating at 128K to your ISP, but it will only transfer to your PC at 115K.